If var [not] between LowerBound and UpperBound


if Var between LowerBound and UpperBound
if Var not between LowerBound and UpperBound





指定范围的下限, Var 必须大于或等于此字符串, 数字或变量引用.


指定范围的上限, Var 必须小于或等于此字符串, 数字或变量引用.


如果这三个参数都为纯数值, 那么它们将被作为数字而不是字符串进行比较. 其他情况下, 它们将被作为字符串按字母顺序进行比较(即字母次序将决定 Var 是否在指定范围内). 此时, 可以使用 StringCaseSense On 来设置在比较时区分大小写.

运算符 "between" 不支持用于表达式中. 相反, 使用 If 语句, 如 if (Var >= LowerBound and Var <= UpperBound) 来模拟这个操作符的行为.

IfEqual/Greater/Less, if var in/contains MatchList, if var is type, IfInString, StringCaseSense, EnvAdd, 区块, Else


检查 var 是否在 1 到 5 的范围内.

if var between 1 and 5
    MsgBox, %var% is in the range 1 to 5, inclusive.

检查 var 是否在 0.0 到 1.0 的范围内.

if var not between 0.0 and 1.0
    MsgBox %var% is not in the range 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

检查 var 是否在 VarLowVarHigh(包含) 之间.

if var between %VarLow% and %VarHigh%
    MsgBox %var% is between %VarLow% and %VarHigh%.

检查 var 是否介于蓝色和红色之间(包含).

if var between blue and red
    MsgBox %var% is alphabetically between the words blue and red.

允许用户输入一个数字, 并检查它是否在 1 到 10 的范围内.

LowerLimit := 1
UpperLimit := 10
InputBox, UserInput, Enter a number between %LowerLimit% and %UpperLimit%
if UserInput not between %LowerLimit% and %UpperLimit%
    MsgBox Your input is not within the valid range.